Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Long time no blog

There are many things that have contributed to my lack of blogging in the last few weeks ... 19 days to be exact!

We've been to Rifle, CO to visit family.

I finished my Montgomery Clift biography and I've been planning my dad's 70th birthday party. There were Father's Day visits and a trip to the dentist (the kind with good news at the end! yeah!).

I've been breaking in my new camera, which means taking tons of nonsense pictures to figure out all the in's and out's.

I had another birthday; they are no longer fun. Thank goodness Weston and Lisa were sealed in the Provo Temple on my birthday, helping me to momentarily forget the onset of aging. (Yes, I meant to make it sound like a disease, because it is!)

We had fun friends in town, and we're getting ready for more company in a few weeks. We've done a lot of yard work, including building fences and cleaning out the pool.

We've suffered through the cold, and now we're suffering through the SUDDEN heat. Matt explains to me daily that there is no such thing as moderate climate changes when living in Utah. And he's not happy about it.

Those are the happenings in our neck of the woods! See, you haven't missed too much!

1 comment:

Sandstone Writings said...

Sounds like you did a lot! Love your photos. What kind of camera did you get?