Friday, December 14, 2007


Hi! Matt likes the word gaggling; an expression he uses for someone talking quickly, breathlessly, and almost without end on one subject.

I get obsessed with things, which if you know Matt and I, is pretty funny to consider. I get drawn into something, and I CAN'T stop until I am finished. And then I gaggle about it. Honestly, Matt knows I'm tired or moody if I'm not gaggling about SOMETHING.

A few blogs back, I gave my Harry Potter post-predictions, and then said I'd have to read the Twilight series that everyone is "gaggling" about. I had been hearing things about these books on all sides.

I'm really not much of a book reader. Until about 5-years ago, the only thing I read was an occasional magazine article. I can thank the Harry Potter series for changing that, and I do every time I enjoy new reading. Amazingly enough, I can now say that there are times when I WOULD rather read a book than watch a movie. There was a time I would have scoffed at that idea.

Part of my problem, probably, is that I'm an excrutiatingly slow reader. I can read about 100 pages in 2-hours, and if I try to go faster, my comprehension spirals down!

Well, I started Dec 6 at 9pm. After two nearly sleepless nights (about 3.5 hours combined on Thursday and Friday night) I finished Twilight and most of New Moon. Then, I sat and spewed the whole storyline to Matt in what felt to me like 20-minutes, and what felt to him like hours. And hours. I won't say how long it actually was, although we figured it out. :)
I should say at this point that my brother Robert has much sympathy for Matt, because he thinks that there is nothing worse than being told the storyline of a book. But, in my defense, I know Matt won't read it, and I had to get it out.

Gaggle, gaggle.

In our powerless house, I read into the wee hours Saturday night/Sunday morning with Matt's little battery-powered reading lamp, finishing New Moon about 5am. Another 5 hours of sleep followed.

I used MUCH self-control reading Eclipse Sunday-Thursday, finishing the series last night about 8:30pm.

So, I can now say that all the talk was well-founded. I really enjoyed all three books, and will look forward to the next 2+ that are planned. And also re-reading the first three at a slower pace.

I've gaggled, my mom's gaggled, and my friend's have gaggled. I've read the gaggling in the blogs and the website. And I've even made a gift of Twilight to a few friends/family and can gaggle to them later.

I've speculated and I've driven Matt to the edge. So, now it's time to start paying attention to my house, and finalize getting ready for Christmas. And quit gaggling! About Bella Swan and Edward Cullen at least.


Heather said...

What an awesome word: gaggling! And it's one of the many things I love about you . . . you get super excited and are into news things all the time!

P.S. I still need to read Eclipse. Maybe now the house stuff isn't so front and center. :-)

My name is Andrea said...

so funny, I am reading your blog and I get a comment from you on mine...jynx!!

I loved the whole series and me and my friends have all been gaggling about it for months, and none of our husbands care or understand!