Monday, March 10, 2008

7th Grade

I really didn't want this one to get a lot of votes. I wanted to skip over this part of my life, not re-live it .... remember? I'll make it short.

I had a lot of friends in 6th grade. It was a good year. I remember sitting in the cafeteria filling out paperwork for middle school! I had been very excited, but that excitement started to disappear when I realized that many of my good friends would be going to Union instead of Midvale. WHAT!? A batch of friends that were going to Midvale ended up moving. Ugh!?

I started 7th grade feeling friendless. And things got worse for me.

Through a series of events that first year of middle school, I gradually began to withdraw. I had a few close friends, but that was it. I became very nervous and anxious. I had a serious fear of public speaking. An oral report was enough to give me stress headaches, sleepless nights, and to make me visibly shake.

Each school year that followed I gradually came out of this hole that had formed my 7th grade year. I've also been lucky enough to have jobs that have helped me get over my fear of public speaking.

Phew .... glad that one's done.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Nice recap of 7th grade. Was it cleansing? I'm just wondering because there are cobwebs in my mind where my middle school years are stored! LOL!