Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer is Crazy!

It is seriously difficult to make time to blog in the summer.

I know my five reader's aren't pensively waiting for the next entry, but there are a few people out there who I know are wondering what happened to me .... just like how I wonder when I don't see any updates from them. Here's a recap:

My dad turned 70! And we celebrated at Cowboy Grub.
We built a bridge and a fence.
We had guests at our house and partied on the 4th.

We spent a week in Boise.
We drove to California.
We fixed a boat trailer.
We towed a boat home.

We're updating our 1966 O'Day Mariner sailboat.
To date, it looks much prettier than above. I'll get some updates on here soon!


My name is Andrea said...

love the pictures!! they say so much more than words can sometimes!

David said...

Hey, nice Mariner! Sorry to see it leave CA, though. I think I have one of the few left on the West Coast. Anyway, have fun with it--great boat.

Heather said...

I love the fabulous update with photos! And speaking of summer, it was great to see you on the 24th! :-)

Sandstone Writings said...

Love the pictures and the update on what you are doing. Good work!