Monday, September 24, 2007

I Number Months

Speaking with my good friend Joellen, I told her how much I enjoyed my drive to work this morning. It was wet and cool; the mountains were slightly cloud-covered, and I could see the snow on the top and the orange leaves on the bottom. For me, fall is finally here!
I told Joellen that I was excited because we are currently in my "Number 4" favorite-month-of-the-year. Yes, I am a geek, and I number my months. So, here for your entertainment are Charnae's favorite-months-of-the-year, numbered:

2. November
3. December
4. September
5. May
6. June
7. April
8. July
9. August
10. March
11. February

Cute Matt said to me last night, "It's 8:00 and it's already dark outside; wake me up in 6-months!" One great difference between Matt and I is that we enjoy different months. However, we both agree on the placement of numbers 10, 11, and 12!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I love your list of months! It makes me wonder what my list would look like. :-)

P.S. How cute that you and Matt complement each other month-wise. Handy, in fact. :-)