Monday, March 10, 2008

Last Ones

Alright, so here are the last few items from my Leap Day post voting:

Best of the Bull - This can be ordered and eaten at the yummy Cowboy Grub. (May I recommend the Big Monty?) I tried this the first time about 5-years ago. I tried it to be brave. The same way that I've tried sushi. It's not my favorite, but I didn't whimp out.

Anyhow, the second time I tried it was on a little dare with our friend Joellen. She was going to prepare cow tongue for us, and so we agreed as long as she tried Best of the Bull. Ew. This time was different than the first. It could best be described as being like fried, breaded spam. Blah.

Summer 2001 - This was the summer during our house construction that reached 106 degrees for weeks straight. The summer we didn't have a roof. The summer the rain fell inside our house. The summer I experienced depression. The summer I nearly had a mental breakdown. With the good comes the bad. I love our house .... now.

Richfield road rash - This occurred summer 1992. Having some fun with friends while visiting my grandma, I ended up in a situation where I was hanging onto the bed of a truck and my feet were drug about 15-feet through gravel. I was wearing shorts, a tank top, and sandles. I had rocks imbedded in my feet and spent a couple hours that night in the ER and a couple more hours trying to get comfortable enough to sleep at my grandma's house after being bandaged up. And of course weeks afterward recovering.

People always ask why I didn't just let go. It's amazing how clear my mind was during the entire incident. My cheek was inches away from the bumper. I knew logically that if I let go, I would hit my face, and probably break something. Instead I let go with one arm which turned me around so I was facing up, and then I let go with the other and rolled away from the vehicle.

A Clockwork Orange - I watched this movie purely because it was on the top 100 movies list. It was extremely disturbing, and I am grateful that with each passing year I forget more and more of it. If I could only go back and just not watch it at all!


Sandstone Writings said...


Elizabeth said...

I have loved reading the stories of your life...they are great!

Heather said...

It's so fun to have these stories expanded upon(some that I know well, others not as much).

BTW, I tried sushi for the first time this week and I am in love! I literally crave it now!