Monday, March 3, 2008


I'm a geek and I find connections in strange things!

For example, I wanted to have 29 blogs in February because it's Leap Year and there are 29 days. Really stupid, but I worked it out and there were exactly 29!

I relate (now you're really going to think I'm weird) to odd numbers better than even numbers. I like them. They feel strong to me. Soft numbers feel week. I do a lot more things in odds than in evens. I don't have to; I just like to. Five cookies on a plate just looks better than four! It feels right.
I like the time 7:21. Why? Since I was a kid I've always looked at it and thought 2+1=3 and 7x3=21! You can do the same thing with 6:54 or 4:24.

I've found a few other people that relate to numbers and look for strange connections like I do. I bet there are more out there, they just won't admit to it!

One person admitted to me that they like to spell out a new word on the palm of their hand the first time that they hear it.

What about you? Please share.


BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

Weird. I really like odd numbers as well. Love the number 7, no reason, just do.

Sandstone Writings said...

I do this spelling thing in my mind. Especially when I get nervous. I don't know why I do it. Numbers, not so much.

Heather said...

I totally spell thing out. I will stop someone in a conversation and say, "How do you spell this?" The number thing . . . not as much, although I do like to count things. Fun post!