Monday, March 17, 2008

No Fear

I took a brief look through some past posts and realized I've been telling a lot about my fears such as elevators, crawly beach creatures, public speaking ... I'm sure there were more. I'm starting to sound like a whimp! Here are some things that I am not scared of:

  • Spiders - I don't like them to crawl on me, but I don't freak out. I know a few people who are desperately scared of them and will scream and run away at the sight. You know who you are - - - Stephanie, Andi, and Tyler!

  • Heights - As long as there is something around me I'm usually pretty good. I don't get dizzy or panicky. Or get vertigo like poor Robert.

  • Public speaking - I was petrified when I was young, but I did explain that I got over that, right? By the way - you did great on Sunday Cherlyn! The more talks you do the better it gets - I promise!
  • Snakes - I'll touch them but not hold them. If I see one I'll stay and watch. However, my niece Tasha definitely takes the cake on this one! She loves all creatures and will catch and hold most anything!
  • Power tools - I've used my fair share in the past few years. Now it's your turn Andi!
  • Unusual foods - I used to be squeemish about this, but you can't be when you're married to Matt! He'll try almost anything. In the past, under his tutilage, I have tried pickled okra, gefilte fish, and eel. That's the short list. A list of what Matt's tried could be its own post!

See --- fears don't rule my life!
Hopefully this will bring back a little of my self-respect.


Sandstone Writings said...

It is so easy to focus on what we do fear. What a great idea to focus on what we don't, or fears overcome. You didn't tag me, but I'm going to think about this for a while and hope to make my own posting in the near future. As always, thanks.

Heather said...

Cool idea for a post! I'm with you on the spider one, but snakes scare me a bit. I definitely wouldn't have done that Britney Spears dance with a snake around my neck.

P.S. I love that the Gefilte Fish is kosher! :-)