Monday, March 31, 2008


This is what our new house guest thinks of Goo:

The un-happy cat above is Jake. This is his brother Tiger:

Tiger is all about finding the smallest enclosure he can squeeze into and staying there for large amounts of time. They are our friend Joellen's cats. Joellen is moving to England for a year for a temporary work assignment, so they've come to our house to be Goo's friend.

We were positive that Goo would have a very difficult time and that Jake and Tiger would make friends quickly. We were WRONG! This is how Goo feels about things:

As they spit and hiss, he talks to them really friendly-like. It's a big surprise!

They were in the house 48-hours before Goo realized there were two of them. That was a funny moment. The thing they don't know about Goo is that he has claws - and it was one of the things we were most concerned about. Now that we've got them all together, we're glad that Jake and Tiger don't have claws since they seem more eager to brawl.

Tiger pretty much plays hide-and-seek all day long, and he hopes that nothing is seeking him. Jake is a snow plow, and unfortunately one of Joellen's plants suffered for it over the weekend.

Some day, hopefully soon, I hope to post a picture of all three of them hanging out, happily, together.


BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

Can't they all just play nice?

Sandstone Writings said...

I've been laughing so much that I am afraid husband (still in bed) will come in and ask what is so funny!

Heather said...

Your new guests are beautiful tabbies! Maybe cats are like people and sometimes the people you don't think you'll get along with will become your best friends. LOL. The photos in this post crack me up!