Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Restroom Stalls

A public restroom is a strange place.

Ever think that if you removed the 1" piece of metal separating each stall, that you would be close enough to hold hands or share a whispered secret with the person next to you?

Even with that 1" barrier, sometimes it feels a little too close for comfort.

Obviously the person who choses the stall right next to mine, when all the others are empty, hasn't thought through this scenario!



Olivia Carter said...

Hahaha! I love it & it's SO TRUE!

Heather said...

LOL. Awesome post! It totally cracks me up!

My name is Andrea said...

2 things I have always wondered about...when the bathroom is empty except you and that other person, why do they choose the stall next door? and second, in a big empty movie theater, why must someone sit right next to me?