Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Great advice for items that have lost all usefulness, but still hold sentiment: "Take a picture and throw it away!"

As I've been going through old storage bins, I keep repeating this over to myself. It worked very well on:

The dancing flower (circa 1990) that no longer dances:

The finger paint (dry as a bone) and molding clay (hard as a rock) from a Matt&Charnae/Adam&Heather double-date (circa 1996) :

Matt's care package Hershey Kisses (circa 1996) from when we were dating and I was missing him during a 2-week trip to see his brother:

This box hasn't been opened since at least 1998, and would have been thrown out, sentiment or no. They were very disgusting. Has anyone seen Stardust? Remember what happens to Yvaine's hair when it is brought to Wall? That's what happens to 12-year-old Hershey Kisses. Ew.

It's almost spring everyone! The season of de-junking!


Sandstone Writings said...

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing! Fun memories in photos.

Heather said...

Good job going through stuff! Although, don't get sick in the process okay? :-)

P.S. I forgot about the cute dancing flower. I miss him now . . . LOL.