Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Husbands Unite?

I know quite a few women who blog. Not so many men. Of my blogging female friends, these are the opinions I have heard their husbands have about their blogs:

  • "It's dangerous to put information out there for everyone to read."
  • "It's vain."
  • "It's nonsense."
  • "You have a blog?" (exhasperated!)
  • "If you blog about me...."

It is hard to explain the lure of blogging, and it seems to be getting stronger and pulling me in more. I explain it to my husband that it's like having a conversations will all your dearest friends at the same time. A conversation that you wouldn't be able to have with each individual friend because it would be extremely time consuming. And when they have a blog and put something out there, it's like they are responding back to me in conversation. And I can't wait for them to talk to me!!!!!!!!

I love knowing what is happening with my friends. My BFF since childhood has a blog. It's one I check most frequently. We see eachother about 5 times a year. We speak on the phone maybe once a year. In the last 6-months I have been able to read her blog weekly!

For people in my neighborhood it's just as much of a gift. I used to see someone weekly at church and say hi. Then I'd go home and tell my husband "so-and-so is very nice". I didn't know why. They just said hi to me. I liked them. The next week they'd say hi again. Repeat.

I discover their blog! I know the funny thing their 2-year-old said about the blender, and about the flat tire on their road trip to Winnemucca. I see them at the grocery store and say "hi - too bad about that flat tire".

So, husbands, I know blogs are strange, maybe vain, possibly dangerous (probably not the best idea to put your SS# and your mother's maiden name on there) ... but, they are very fun and definately more than just a forum for venting, ranting, and raving. They are also the best for posting pictures!

For example, where else would you see a picture of Wilson & Stephanie dressed as Dobby and Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter?

Or a picture of the most relaxing day of my life? Flying a stunt kite at Neptune Beach in Oregon ...

Or my cute niece ...


Anonymous said...

I think Nate secretly reads and enjoys our blog. He's hooked already! He just like to act macho! :)

My name is Andrea said...

I love the beaches in Oregon! Most beautiful beaches anywhere!
I totally agree, on all fronts, I have g-friends from college who I still "know" intimately because we communicate so frequently...through our blogs. I also have some women inour ward here who I NEVER would have had time to know like I know them. Last week, one of them posted "come to my house for a craft thing..." and there were 8 of us there. We come from all walks of life, different parts of town, we are different ages, and I would never have guessed we have so much in common! Then there are our BFF's in Utah who I am able to keep abreast of our every move, and when we do get on the phone, we have tons to talk about!
And then there is the grandma factor. The grandmas can keep up with their grandkids and see pic's of every move!

Long live blogging!!

Heather said...

Jake is totally the guy who doesn't want me to put stuff out there . . . but he is coming around or not being as vocal. Heehee. I love to read your blog, too! :-)

Jenifer said...

My friend put it perfectly, the blog is like the water cooler for the stay at home mom. The only objection my husband has is when I embarrass him on the blog:]

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

For all those men out there, my husband is the one who started our blog and asks me if I've posted or if I've read so and so's blog. If you don't know him, he's pretty darn manly. 6'4" 280 lbs. dark hair, anyway, very manly and he loves it. Besides, now I don't have to feel guilty about keeping a journal. This is it!

Mark said...

While I may not be the manliest man in the neighborhood, I consider myself pretty tough...and I've just started my blog:

But then, I have no wife to blog FOR me, so I just have to do it myself. Besides, any of the "private stuff" I keep in a locked book in a ziplock back in the back of my fridge, behind the rotting produce and long-expired salad dressings.

As you know, Charnae, your Matt told me about all this...part of my work for a long time has been to read blogs...mostly anti-LDS, I'm afraid (we like to know what crazy people are saying about us!) but this is a LOT more fun. So thanks for the inspiration. It's the biggest boon to my journal-keeping since September of 1973. (When I basically quit writing in my missionary journal.)