Monday, February 4, 2008

Our House

I've had a few discussions with people lately about our house. The construction on it was such a huge part of our life that I sometimes forget that people don't know about what we did!

This is a picture of our house in late spring of 1997, before we tore off the roof (the roof of five chimneys) and added a second story.

This is our house in late spring of 2007. Trees sure grow a lot in 10 years! And you can also see the landscaping the city did across the street, compared to the dirt in 1997. So, I know it's hard to see the actual house for comparison.

Here is our house today. It's much easier to see it in the winter! It's on the same footprint as in the picture above, just the tower was added on the porch.

This was our house on June 20, 2002 when we were taking off the roof. The neighbors wondered if we'd had a fire. It was a miserable sight!


My name is Andrea said...

Wow! That is quite a hobby and a beautiful home!!!

My Unruly Mind said...

Great to see the house in progress. What incredible work you have done!

Heather said...

I'm so amazed at what you guys did! I'm glad you remembered to get lots of pictures. Maybe you could win some award for the coolest renovation! :-)