Sunday, February 10, 2008


I'm so excited! Today I made my second attempt at preparing Indian cuisine by making Chicken Tikka Masala, or CTM for short.

It was so good and I LOVE the basmati rice. It has a wonderful smell and is yummy to eat uncooked. Wish I could find it in bulk for a good price. 2 cups for $5.00 isn't a good thing.

I really want to get a thali plate and some katori bowls sets. Aren't they cool? Then I could make Indian food and put it in beautiful traditional dishware. Fun, fun! I know I'm a geek.

Then I just need to learn how to make cucumber yogurt sauce and other curries and I'll be set!

1 comment:

Sandstone Writings said...

The first time I had homemade Indian food was in London. It was made by my friend's daughter and her husband--both very American but he has a job in England. I was surprised at how much I liked it. The service set looks really beautiful. Hope you can get one.