Monday, February 4, 2008

Freaky Affects

So, I got to experience a couple new things during December 2007.

First ... surprise! ... I got to have a root canal. Fun! I couldn't ask for anything better the week of my Christmas vacation. They deadened it for the procedure, and it stayed dead longer than any previous dental shot I have ever gotten! 7-hours later I could still feel the affects. This is my beautiful pirate smile that Matt laughed about when leaving the endodontist. So, we took a picture.

Second, my eye doctor said that if I had my eyes dilated that I could go 2-years on my contact prescription instead of 1-year. Sounds good to me! It was super-hard to take a picture of my dilated eyes, but here's a comparison. It was freaking Matt out for the rest of the day, each time I would look at him. My eye doctor told me the affects would last 2-hours. WRONG. 6-hours later it finally started wearing off.

I hope it's awhile (or never would be nice) before I have to do either of these again.


My name is Andrea said...

OUCH!!! I hate root canals!

My Unruly Mind said...

No matter how you think about it, root canals are not something to look forward to having! Your eyes are beautiful, either way!

Heather said...

Ouch. Sorry to hear about your body adventures . . . especially the root canal. I've had a couple of those. And did I love them? Not so much.